Wednesday, February 8, 2012

aeneas and klaus weber's ape

In the Aeneid, Aeneas is shown pictures of a far future which contains events and characters which are beyond his immediate comprehension. He has this experience more than once in the Aeneid. It happens to him in the Underworld after which he has to exit said domain via the Ivory Gate, the gate of false dreams. He cannot go out via the Gate of Horn (for dreams that will come true) for then he will see the future; he handles Venus' shield running his eyes over each piece and turning it over and over with his arms and hands. He 'delights in the likeness' much as chimps do; much as Klaus Weber's 'shape of the ape' does, seeing, wondering but not comprehending. Within the shield Aeneas dimly senses future images of Caesar Augustus, Anthony and Cleopatra. Klaus Weber's ape also dimly senses images: the images of Darwin, Lenin, the Nazis.

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